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A connecting disk is a connector that connects two objects together and enables the machine to function properly.
The connector is one of the main components of removable partial dentures, which connects the various parts of the denture together and also has the function of transmitting and dispersing occlusal forces. There are two types of connectors: large connectors and small connectors. Dalian joint, also known as connecting rod, mainly includes palatal rod, lingual rod, palatal plate, lingual plate, labial rod, etc. Its function is to: (1) connect the various parts of the denture into a whole, transmit and disperse the occlusal force to the abutment teeth and adjacent supporting tissues, in order to reduce the torque and load borne by the abutment teeth in functional state. (2) The use of Dalian braces can reduce the base area and increase the strength of dentures. The function of the small connector is to connect various components on the metal bracket, such as snap rings, supports, etc., with the large connector. It should be vertically connected to the Dalian junction and slightly away from the gums. When passing over the surface of teeth, it should be thin to avoid affecting the movement of the tongue. It should be placed in a non inverted area, otherwise it will affect the placement of the denture. It should be placed in the adjacent gaps between teeth and have a smooth surface, without sharp angles or gaps. It should have sufficient strength and hardness to disperse the occlusal force.
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Company Introduction
The company supplies paver accessories, roller accessories, milling machine accessories, paver scraper drive shaft, scraper drive shaft assembly, leveling instrument, leveling instrument bracket, hydraulic pump and accessories. We also supply vulnerable parts for pavers, including balance beams, agitator shafts, pedals, feeding base plates, blades, ironing plates, reducers, chain rails, track plates, support wheels, scraper chains, and feeding chains.
Contact: Manager Liang
Contact information: 13645201509
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