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产品名称: 沃尔沃ABG6820摊铺机找平

 摊铺机横坡仪安装:将控制器安装好,将控制阀开关打在“STANDBY”状态,接好电缆,之后,须设定控制器“零点”。下面就是手机“零点”设定的方法。1. 利用水平仪,使执行器(例如熨平板)处于水平状态;2. 打开机器的供电装置,给控制器供电;3. 将灵敏度旋钮打在中间状态;4.按动▲或▼按键,使控制器上的两个输出指示灯熄灭;5.按住R键,直至LCD上的▲、▼标志同时出现,且不再闪烁,之后,仍按住R键,按动▲或▼按键进行调节,使LCD上的显示值为0.00。*注:如果零点设定之后,仍有控制阀指示灯闪、亮,则须重复上述4、5两步;4秒之后,新校验值将存储在控制器中。

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Paver transverse slope instrument installation: the controller is installed, will play in "STANDBY" state, control valve switch connected cable, after must set controller "zero". This is a list of the mobile phone "zero" setting method. 1. Use level, make the actuator (e.g., screed) is in a state level; 2. Open the machine power supply device, give a controller of power supply; 3. The sensitivity knob to play in the middle state; 4. Push bring or ▼ button, make the controller on the two output light is put out; 5. Hold the R key to bring on the LCD, ▼ marks appear at the same time, and no longer flashing, later, still hold the R key, push bring or adjusted ▼ button, on the LCD display value of 0.00. * note: if the zero point set, there is still a control valve flash light, bright, must repeat the above step 4, 5, 2; 4 seconds later, a new calibration values will be stored in the controller.
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