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产品名称: F181模块#24655304



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A module, also known as a component, is a collection of program statements that can be individually named and independently perform certain functions (i.e. a collection of program code and data structures). It has two basic characteristics: external features and internal features. External features refer to the interface between the module and the external environment (i.e. the way other modules or programs call the module, including input and output parameters, referenced global variables) and the functionality of the module; Internal characteristics refer to the characteristics of the internal environment of a module (i.e. the local data and program code of the module).

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Enterprise Introduction

The company supplies paver accessories, roller accessories, milling machine accessories, paver scraper drive shaft, scraper drive shaft assembly, leveling instrument, leveling instrument bracket, hydraulic pump and accessories. We also supply vulnerable parts for pavers, balance beams, agitator shafts, pedals, feeding soleplates, blades, ironing plates, reducers, chain tracks, track shoes, supporting wheels, scraper chains, feeding chains, etc.

Contact person: Manager Liang

Contact information: 13645201509

(Same WeChat account)

QQ: 2870202745

QQ email: 2870202745@qq.com


NetEase email: LS13645201509@163.com

免责声明: 本页产品如有侵权请联系我们进行删除处理!联系电话:18705218934
联系地址:徐州市矿山路枫林绿洲南门 邮编:221000
 联系电话:13645201509 QQ:2870202745  企业邮箱:audelo@163.com
版权所有 技术支持:徐州奥德隆工程机械有限公司 徐州德道网络科技有限公司